Mindless knitting...

Good morning!  I'd like you to meet mini-stocking Number 24...

All I can say is...mistakes were made.  It all comes from watching a gripping episode of Masterpiece Theater (I am truly a dork) while mindlessly finishing up the last of my mini-stockings.  Perhaps I was just a wee bit distracted...the amazing thing is that I actually didn't even realize what I had done until I had woven in the ends at the toe and turned it right side out to admire my handiwork...Uuuuh...whaaat did I doooo?  Then of course the hilarity ensued as one of my kids ran to grab the camera saying, "You are going to blog about this, right?"  Too funny!

Here is Number 24 after a little reconstructive surgery...

...not nearly as interesting a shot except that it means that I am done with the knitting and am on to the hanging tags and figuring out a way of suspending these little stockings.  And then it's on to the filling!
Can't wait! 

Hope your day is full of laughter and happy knitting!...xoxo—Alison

On the road again...

Hello there!...

It seems like I've been away for ages—I honestly don't know where the time goes, but go it does!  I'm recently back from a college visit with my girly.  I think this is the last one for a little while—we have the information we need and all that's left is for my sweet girl to wend her way through the winding path that is the college application process.  WoW!!!...what a lot of work that is!  It's  very different now than it was in the dark ages when I applied to college.  Now you can spend weeks of your life giving each school's website a thorough once-over—so much information to review.  And so much to prepare—forms to fill, essays to write, and audition tapes to make—a lot of work!  I find myself anxiously anticipating mid-January, when she has turned everything in, a little of the pressure is off, and we can just enjoy the remaining months of senior year without having this big to-do list hanging over the house.  It is moments like these when I am so thankful for these college visits—for the time stuck in the car with each other, driving and talking, laughing and shoulder dancing, and just being with this young woman that I love, and more importantly, that I like so much.

Home again...to cold, wet weather...but nothing that a pitcher of sunflowers and a little origami can't fix...

The lad is working on making a collection of little boxes and containers for snacks and odds and ends...
{these pics are a lesson in perspective for me — He had a blast folding the afternoon away — what you can't see (and what I too often focus on) is the rest of the table, littered with books and art supplies, or the side board in back of him piled high with stacks of books and paper}

—oh well, it's a journey, right?


Time for something sweet!...

This week I've been tying up some loose ends...

It seems that November is named aptly for me...as in no, I didn't finish my Soctober projects!...but LOOK!...

Lucky thirteen!...November 13th and, count them, 13 minis in my basket!  Woohoo!  I love second chances!...and I love how these little socks look in my son's Easter basket — they remind me of jelly beans and lollipops — just so happy, cheerful and sweet...

Speaking of sweet...

Thanks so much for the cake love!...

It's so funny, my interest in cake baking was, as is so often the case here, inspired by my kids... really all I set out to do was to learn to make pretty cakes for my kids' birthdays {the cakes that I made in those early days looked kind of pathetic...and then there was the puzzle cake incident...came out of the pan in pieces and shards and was promptly dubbed the "The Puzzle Cake"}.  So I decided it was time to tackle cake baking full on,  and one thing led to another...a clear case of be careful what you wish for as evidenced in the cake gallery on my side bar.

I truly love cake baking and decorating though, and I welcome the challenges that my muses throw my way, whether its with cakes or knitting or whatever.  I find it amazing that these kids seem to believe I can do anything, and their believing it makes me want to try all the more.  It really is one of the greatest joys of mothering, those little challenges, that itch to create something that will perfectly fit a need or fulfill an unuttered wish.  It is a gift that my family gives to me over and over again.  For them, I am always willing to summon up the courage to try something new, to learn a new skill, and in the learning I get to flex new muscles, get out of my comfort zone and stretch, and surprisingly, there is no huge risk of failure—they have always and generously received my humble efforts with grace and appreciation.  Quite a gift indeed!  So with that on my mind, I thought I'd share a bit of the love with you...

The Best * Easy-Peasy * Yes, You Can Italian Meringue Buttercream!

 This cupcake is frosted with the chocolate version of the Italian meringue buttercream that I use on all of my cakes.  It is fabulous and makes what could be a tricky recipe easy peasy. 

This recipe makes 4 cups of butter cream frosting.
You will need —
3 sticks of unsalted butter
1/2 cup egg whites (from around 4 to 5 large eggs)
1 1/8 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
1/2 t. of vanilla
Flavorings of your choice (see below)

First let all of the ingredients come to room temperature.  Separate the eggs and put them in a large mixing bowl.  Fit the mixer with the whip attachment, if you have one.  Cut the butter into 1" chunks.
Put the water and the sugar into a small sauce pan.  Heat the pan over medium heat, stirring just until the sugar is dissolved.  Let the sugar mixture come to a boil.  Turn back the heat just a tad (you still want a good boil, just not a rolling boil) and set the timer for 5 minutes.  When the timer goes off, set it for 2 minutes and start mixing the egg whites on high.  Keep the sugar mixture where it is, doing it's thing—it will thicken nicely and you want to turn back the heat if it starts to turn amber.  When the timer goes off, the egg whites should be to the stiff peak stage.  Turn the heat under the sugar mixture off and take the sauce pan over to the mixer.  Keeping the mixer going on high, slowly drizzle the sugar mixture into the egg whites, trying to pour close to the side of the bowl so that you miss hitting the big part of the whip attachment.  Once all of the sugar has been added to the eggs, it's time to wait.  Keep the mixer going at high and leave it going for 15 to 20 minutes.  In my experience you can't keep it going too long (it could even go as long as 30 minutes).  You are waiting for the bowl and it's contents to come to room temperature.

Once the mixture is room temp, begin adding the butter...
{Don't think about it too much * it's called buttercream for a reason and your taste buds will thank you later}

Add the butter one chunk at a time, keeping the mixer going on high all the time and waiting until each piece is fully incorporated before adding the next.

After all the butter has been added, add the vanilla and mix thoroughly.

Now for the flavorings!...You can keep the buttercream as is, vanilla and perfectly yummy,  or you can add flavors...
Just stir (or mix on low) to incorporate any of the following into the frosting—
Semisweet or Bittersweet Chocolate —4 to 8 oz of melted, room temp chocolate per recipe
Nutella {yum!} — 1/4 to 1/2 cup
Lemon —1/4 to 1/2 cup lemon curd
Jams —1/4 to 1/2 cup of your choice
Liqueurs —1 T of your choice {my faves are Framboise and Grand Marnier}

Voila!...this buttercream is silky smooth and very rich, a dab will do you, and it is soooo flavorful.  It keeps like a dream in the fridge or freezer and can be reconstituted by letting it come to room temp and whipping it on high until it is light and fluffy.  Note:  The first time I tried this, I almost despaired. It looked grainy and curdley, at first.  If this happens to you just keep the faith and keep mixing.  It will come together...like magic!

For the cake, use your favorite cupcake recipe.  I've come up with a couple of decent ones but still haven't nailed down the perfect bite, you know, a cupcake that will really remain moist day after day (not that they actually last that long around here).  Any contenders out there?  I'm always looking for a reason to bake a batch of cupcakes, and I'd be happy to play at being your recipe test kitchen.
; )

Have a sweet weekend sweet friends!...alison

Cake, cake and more cake...

My knitting needles have been sadly idle this week, but my kitchen has been busy, busy.  After the off kilter wedding cake last Monday, it was time to start gearing up for the lad's 10th Birthday Sleep-over Extravaganza!

Yes, against all reason, we held sleep over for eight 9 and 10 year olds right in the middle of a pandemic.  Let me explain...my little guy has been wanting a sleep over party in the worst way for the longest time and, long story short, we finally caved.  When he asked for a sleep over party, I'm pretty sure that my internal groan was audible externally.  I'm not big on sleep overs — the whole not sleeping, everyone gets over-stimulated, followed by tired and cranky thing has never really appealed to me, but I can honestly say it was time to throw the little man a bone.  We have not given tons of parties for the kids and 10 is, after all, a pretty big milestone, so really the long and short is that it was time.  And now that it's Monday and the party is behind us,  I have to report that  it was a really fun  and was so wonderful to watch these kiddos enjoying themselves all evening and right into the next day.
To be sure, I have to give credit where credit is due—the lad carefully, and expertly I might add, crafted the guest list.  He picked the perfect combo of kids—4 girls and 4 boys who all get along (and who have parents that will keep them home if they are sick).  Then he set the party agenda—very low key {love that} — watch a movie, have pizza, eat cake ("one of your special cakes Mom"), and "just hang out" — not too scary —certainly even I, a sleep over nay-sayer can manage that.   He's already done most of the work so really my part is just providing the eats, baking a cake, making a path in the house and being willing to play along.

The cake...
It all started when the lad saw a picture of a waterfall cake and fell in love.  The cake was really cute, and it had little water sprites all around it, but it was really the waterfall that my guy was after.   He loved the idea of real-looking water.  This put me in a muddle for a minute—I really like to make cakes that resonate with the intended recipient and in this case I found myself thinking...waterfall, yes...water sprites, hmm?  But then again the lad loves to fly fish with his dad, so...it wasn't long before the waterfall cake turned into his cake—happy, happy all around...

Time to get busy...Thursday...make the cakes...one chocolate and one almond butter cake.
Friday...make the butter cream...

...fill and frost the cakes, cover the cakes with fondant and make lots of pastillage boulders, rocks and mushrooms {love those mushrooms * they make me want to do an Alice in Wonderland cake}...

Saturday morning...put it all together, make a piping gel waterfall...


...and try not to get too picky about getting it perfect because ...'cause here they come...


Pizza and cake...so far so good {such a fun bunch * lot of laughter and great little conversations here * too much fun}...


All in all things went swimmingly...thanks in no small part to a group of really nice kids, my ever helpful sidekicks who picked up the house while I was making sugar rocks, my camp counselor-esque daughter who is not above rocking out with the 9 and 10 year old set, not a lot of sleep, but enough to keep us seeing straight, pancakes in the morning, a beautiful weekend (short sleeves in November!) and the park in our back yard.  Tender mercies and little blessings each and every one.


Happiness and joy to you!...alison

Cake daze...

Happy, happy November!  Eleven months in...can't believe it, this year is flying by!

We had a very busy weekend around here and looking around the blogs, we weren't the only ones!  Lot's of good stuff happening out there this weekend.  I find my travels through the blogosphere tremendously reassuring.  It's so easy for me to get caught up in my own stuff or to get really bummed out about some of the sad things going on out there in the world.  The snapshots of life I get on my virtual trips are ever hopeful and inspiring, and even though I don't have the time I would like to explore every nook and cranny, and still be as present as I want to be in my own life, I am ever grateful the glimpses I do get and see my time in front of this little window as an investment in optimism and connectedness. 

Here's a glimpse into our world...
In addition to Halloween fun, we had a birthday this weekend!  Yes, all of my babes are now in double digits...truly unbelievable for this mama...where did it go?  Anyway, here is the birthday boy deliberating over the perfect birthday wish and blowing out 10, count them 10 candles!  He wanted an orange bundt cake this year.  This one was tasty (and is very good for breakfast) but I am still searching for that perfect recipe...any suggestions?

In addition to baking a birthday cake this weekend, I agreed to a last minute cake job.  So needless to say I've been living in my kitchen for the past few days.  Here's the view...

The client wanted a faux wedding cake and they wanted it to be off-center and not straight.  I learned something with this cake, something about me...I don't usually think of myself as a person who is overly invested in making everything absolutely symmetrical or perfect.  My family and friends may laugh here, but I really don't consider myself a perfectionist at all, my work is so often so far from perfect and, as I tell them, I don't expect it to be perfect, I just want it to be right (cue the eye rolling).  And as evidence that I am not overly invested in perfection and symmetry, I point to the fact that I often make mismatched socks and asymmetrical elements frequently make their way into my weaving (by accident or design)—more eye rolling.  Apparently that doesn't extend to cake baking, since looking at this cake made me crazy...really crazy.  It took all my resolve not to take it apart and restack it...

As you can see, I even had to get the level out...and yes, it was level believe it or not!

And here it is delivered, all in one piece, before I set it up...

Anyway, it's always fun and interesting to learn something new about yourself...even if it is a little thing, it can be oddly revealing.  Looking at the pictures of the cake, the lack of symmetry doesn't bother me so much—it was more just being it the cake's presence—I really felt a need to "fix" it...that in itself gives me loads to ponder...hmmm.  Was it the fear of ending up on cake wrecks?...or something bigger?...or more likely both!... Helloooo....Narcissa...back to reality...enough gazing at my own reflection for one morning.  I've got a little one  a big ten year old down with the funk today and I think he's almost at the end of his chapter.  Time for some lunch and quality cuddling...is it wrong that I kind of love the occasional sick day?...especially when they are too sick to go to school but not too sick to play Scrabble and read together?...Gotta love the coziness!

Hope your day is cozy...xoxoAlison

The Merry Month of October...

Home again!  I'm just back from a quick visit to see my mom.  She just had surgery and needed a little cheering up, and I needed to sit with her and see with my own eyes just how she was really doing—much better—thanks for asking.  My time with my mom this week was full of sweet moments.  A while back Annri blogged this lovely post about mothers and mothering and it has really stayed with me—she said it all so well—I love that about her.

What does a girl need for a short stay away from home?...

Well, I'll tell you...she needs at least a half dozen knitting books, a basket of wool for working on the mini-stocking knit along, her mystery socks, several odd skeins and stitch guides for random swatching, an apple coffee cake, a batch of cherry scones, an assortment of teas to help settle Mom's queasy tummy, at least two books for reading, because you don't know what you'll be in the mood for, a camera which she will promptly forget about until after she's left her mom, her ipod loaded with various podcasts, her favorite slippers and...oh yeah, a change of clothes...This is why it is dangerous for me to travel by car.

{sorry for the blurry pics in this post —my camera is being persnickety these days}

Now that I'm home, it's starting to look a lot like...

Have I told you how much I love this holiday?...the dressing up, the crafting, the pumpkins, the weather, the colors, and the candy!!!

 In the interest of full disclosure (you're only as sick as your secrets, right?) I will own up to the fact that this is about the time of year when I stop eating meals and just forage for candy.

I didn't even buy treats that I like this year and still today's lunch was a handful of candy corn and a cup of coffee...and I don't even like candy corn, but, after all, it is candy and it's here...pathetic, I know.

Even more than the candy though, I love the creative opportunities surrounding this holiday—so many fun crafts, so little time.  We made this little door pocket a while ago.  There have been many like this through the years.

It is a perfect first sewing project—perfectly imperfect!  Terrific for new sewing hands.  You will need some wool felt scraps, some buttons and yarn scraps to make this quick project.

Here's how...All we did was draw the outline of the shape we wanted onto a piece of paper, pinned the paper pattern to two layers of felt and cut around the edges.  Then we raided the button jar and the scrap pile for eyes a nose and a mouth.  Time to pin the facial features to one of the layers of felt and sew them on with a whip stitch or running stitch.  There is really no way to mess this up.  The results are always cute and a little funny.  Finally we layered the pieces of felt together and sewed around the edges using a blanket stitch.  Leave the top of the head open for candy, notes or whatever, and tack a ribbon or spare piece of felt to the inside back of the pocket for a handle and voila!  Easy-peasy, and once it is filled with candy, this cranky kitty is absolutely delectable!

This just in...

If you're still trying to figure out how your little darling is going to carry all of her Halloween loot, or if you're feeling the need for a festive and seasonal knitting bag/purse, you might want to check out the Going Batty Treat Bag pattern — free for all who want it! 

Glad to be back...I missed you!...Alison