Going Batty...
Another beautiful fall day here in the middle of the middle!...I think that an after school trip to the pumpkin patch may be in order. I have been feeling so cozy lately, wanting to bake and knit and play house—I have to keep reminding myself that there is a lotta' cozy coming up. But these colorful fall days are numbered, and now is the time to get out there and enjoy it.
Here's what's been on the needles this week. In addition to the mini stockings (ahem...we're on day 21—and am frightfully behind) and the mystery sock (fun, fun, fun!), I have been working on a new treat bag for the little lad. This project super easy and it worked up in a twinkling. Admittedly, I did do some ripping after the lad and I consulted and he informed me that the design might be nicer if the bat didn't have eyes (he was right, btw), and I did have to rearrange some of the yarn overs in my original design so that the batty pattern would be easily recognizable in this thick yarn, but other than that it just flew off the needles. Now I know that Halloween is just 10 days away (we're counting them over here), but this really does zip up and if you have the inclination and a little bulky wool in your stash, you could have this done in a flash.
Okay the name of this bag—Going Batty—isn't just about the pattern motif. I am having a bad computer day—problems importing this pattern here, but I wanted to post it here today—it's important to have a goal.
I have saved it as a document and as a pdf and I will consult with my crack computer team later tonight to see how best to get it posted here without having to retype the whole thing. In the meantime, just
me if you would like me to send you the pattern.
{Got this fixed—here's the
to the pattern}
Okay, officially signing off for now...pumpkin patch here I come!...xoxo—alison
Happy weekending...
This was such a fun event! The day just flew by with lots of laughter, and knitting and cake eating! Knitters really are some of the nicest people in the world (if I do say so myself)...supportive, joyous, creative, and funny...these women love to laugh and have a good time...practically perfect in every way! It's been a while since I've had a day in the shop and this one was spectacular...knitters beginning new projects, hunting for yarn, lots of inspiring people ticking off the items on their holiday knitting list, beginners and true experts, and surprisingly, lots of really young knitters (like 9 and 10 year olds). These kids are so amazing to me—many of them have worked their way through hats and socks and sweaters and they all have tried their hand at designing for their dolls. I love how these little people have no fear or inhibitions around their knitting—they seem to be completely free of the second guessing and insecurities that sometimes plague us as we get older. It makes me so happy to see their enthusiasm and joy in creating, and the fact that they are completely free from negative thinking chatter is a glorious thing to behold!
I've been thinking about internal chatter and creativity a lot lately. For the past couple of weeks I've been taking a wonderful online course by Marisa of Creative Thursday. I can't say enough good things about this course—it's really gotten me thinking. One of the topics that has come up in the course is intention and blogging, which has brought up the question of how much of your "self" you are comfortable sharing online. I'm still trying to find the balance there. I don't want this to be a place for venting, I want it to be a place where I will feed my better self and connect with others. At the same time, I want to remain honest and true...so...I am going to indulge in some shameless self-reflection for the next few minutes—be forewarned and move on if you feel the need—I won't take it personally.
Needless to say, there has been much pondering around here lately...about happiness, the creative journey, my life at home and at large, about balance and congruency. Two of the questions that Marisa asked in the first week were, what do you love about what you create and what does success look like to you. A lot to think about, right? This has been a real chance to step back and take a hard look at what makes me happy, where I want to go and how to get there, how I tick, what makes me wither and what makes me thrive. I tend to be one of those people who is always running to the next thing—waiting has never been my strong suit. It's not that I'm not a self-reflective person, it's more that I feel like a total slacker if I'm not doing something productive. I want to do...fill in all the gaps with activity or productivity—that's not to say that I'm always productive, but it is to say that if I'm not, I am as likely as not, to berate myself. I don't know if this sounds familiar to anyone out there, but I can't believe that I am unique in this.
I have had some wonderful opportunities in my life and have gotten to go places and do things that have challenged me, given me great joy and even some measure of success. As a parent, a teacher, and a friend, I know that love, creativity, dreams, and individuality need to be nurtured. As a mom, I feel with my whole being, that it is my great privilege to nurture the souls in my keeping, to encourage them, to guide and empower them, to hold their hand and to patiently and lovingly watch and wait for them to find their way, and then to let them go. It's not rocket science, I know, but I am struck all of a sudden by the fact that I and, indeed, many of my friends do not nurture ourselves in remotely the same way. How can my creativity thrive, my best self emerge, or my way become clear if I am perpetually striving to fill the gaps and being critical of myself. For today, just for today—mind you—baby steps and all—it is my goal to parent myself as I would one of my kids, to give myself a little leash, to encourage myself to make choices that make me feel good—whether that means sitting and knitting on something that may or may not turn into something productive, taking a walk in the woods, doing the dishes or just moodling. I'm not saying that I want to be an enabler of my own lethargy—after all sometimes what makes me feel good and able to be happy is getting things done and living in an orderly space, but sometimes, in those in-between, not-so-sure times a I might want to try a little tenderness.
Here's wishing you a little tenderness this weekend wherever your path may lead...Alison
Show and tell...
I just realized that I never posted about the trunk show and Fairy Tale Knits book signing that the lovely ladies at Yarns Unlimited in Bloomington, Indiana are hosting this Saturday, October 10th from 1-3 pm.
I am so honored to be participating in this event, doubly so since it is the 30th anniversary of the shop. Yes, you read right...Yarns has been helping spinners, weavers, dyers and knitters for thirty years. Needless to say, this shop is a very special place, full of inspirational staff, positive energy and support for fiber enthusiasts from all walks of life and all levels of expertise. When I moved to this area 13 years ago it meant leaving a town that I loved and a community of talented and supportive friends. Yarns Unlimited made that transition a little easier for me (as they have for so many others)...by welcoming me with open arms and providing a warm and instructive environment. Honestly, I can't say enough about this wonderful place.
So please, if you are in the area, come by and celebrate with us!...there will be food, fun, and, of course, lots of yarn. I will be signing books and will have all of the samples from Fairy Tale Knits with me. If you are unfamiliar with the book, you can read a review here. I will also bring the Ladybug Coat (Fall Issue of Petite Purls) for show and tell. I'd love to meet you if you can make it!...I'll be the one behind a big pile of little kid knits!...xoxo—Alison
Just for fun...
Hope your day is happy!...Alison
Weather report
Cool and Cloudy...
Sock it to me October...
Cue Socktober!...having spent the last month in a bit of a knitting funk, with lots of false starts and frogging I am turning over a new leaf and am embracing some of the sock love out there this month!...
First, Kirsten Kapur's Mystery Sock Knit-Along. This is too much fun! This is my first ever knit along and I am really enjoying it. She gives you the directions for one new section of the sock each week and at the end of the knit along you have the entire sock pattern and presumably a completed sock. It is really fun knitting this, not really knowing where it's heading and being surprised all along the way—a great exercise on so many levels.
And second, is this mini stocking knit along on Ravelry started by Annri over at the woolnest. Okay, here is the spooky part...see these guys...
I started these little stockings last fall. They were to be made into a holiday advent garland inspired by some of the links this post, much like the Advent garland in this post, but alas, I only made it to about twenty little stockings (some were used to adorn gift packaging)—these are what I had left over. What I love about this is that my long lost friend (recently found—thank you blogosphere!), was doing the same thing in her living room several states away. Given my history with this woman, this fact doesn't surprise me in the least. It does make me so happy and it gives me a moment to think about how many of us are on this journey of creating, parenting, trying to work a little beauty and joy into our days. I love thinking about how many others there are out there quietly making, putting a personal spin on old crafts. This thought brings me joy and comfort and so much inspiration.
I started these stockings way to late last year to realistically get them done before December 1st, and I have to tell you I got some raised eyebrows from the non-knitters in the peanut gallery when I was working so obsessively on these little stockings (you know who you are :)). Now, I have a second chance. I think that I might scrap these little guys and start afresh—I have some new ideas for the pattern, and I'm sure I can come up with something to do with these. I am really looking forward to this—it will be so much fun and so inspiring to do this along side other knitters. You should come play too!
It is rainy and cold here—perfect for getting cozy, knitting and baking....this is shaping up to be a very good weekend. Hope yours is happy!...alison
And the winner be...
Who will it be mateys? Aaarrr...let me reach into me bag here....