festive frippery...

Greetings friends!  I am going to pop in and out quick as a bunny today.  We have carpet to rip out, wallpaper to tear off, kid number two on his way home, the lad prepping for his Shakespeare performance tonight (oh gosh!...that reminds me I'm supposed to make snacks for the cast~okay, note to self), a closet to paint, work knitting to accomplish, the lad's piano recital on Sunday, a party to make an appearance at if at all possible, and hmmmm...what am I forgetting...oh yeah, Christmas gift maikng and shopping...in other words a normal pre-holiday weekend for most moms.  I'm guessing that your schedule, mom or not, isn't too far from this as well.  But it's all good, isn't it.  Busy and full and good.  All this to say that today's offering is a bit short on substance, but still fun and festive.  I'm realizing that there will probably be a few more advent stocking stuffers like this in the coming days.  And I've decided that that's okay.  So here goes...



Ummm...okaaaay...just what is it?...


hmmmm...still guessing?...


Oh right!...a garland!!!  Yep, a garland for our windows or tree or whatever.  Coming to you with the warmest wishes and a whole lot of...


