Throw me a bone...

Hello, hello...

Did you think I'd forgotten the 12th day of advent? No,no, no...just postponed a bit due to after school activities. Tha lad and I observed our little advent ritual post dinner. Want to see?


So you see it was back to needle felting today. I still might have to work on this pup a bit. He's veeeeery close but not quite there, I think.

Maybe I'm feeling he falls a bit short of the mark because I'm trying to get close to the incomparable cuteness and sweetness of the my darling Susie.

I'm still plugging away on the old needle felting but do find it a bit frustrating to have such a clear picture in my head and not be able to get to it. It's keeping me humble and my dear family is so appreciative of my feeble efforts. It makes it worth it and keeps me trying.

Almost forgot my favorite part...Those poofy corgi pants, of course.

I may have to throw some easy advent goodies in the mix in the coming days. I have a couple of design deadlines looming and, like everyone else am in the throes of holiday crafting. And my big kids are coming home next week!!! So exciting!! I want to make sure all of my ducks are in a row so that I can devote my full attention and energy to soaking up those few days when all my babes will be under the same roof. I cannot wait!!!

What are you crafting right now? I love imagining you out there, working away while I busy myself into the wee hours. Take care.

