Whooo is it?...

Whooo was found perching on stocking number three this morning?...a very chubby owl.
I have had a soft spot for owls for as long as I can remember.  When I was growing up there was an owl who lived in the big tree by our front walk.  Every year new owlets were welcomed to that nest.  Loved that.  Also, owls always remind me of my girl {don't ask why~her love for myth and Athena?...probably}.  At any rate, an advent owl just seemed inevitable. 
This plump little raptor comes from this pattern found over on Craftsy.  I have to say that I fell in love with the look of this guy right away.  He's so perfectly round {so ornament-esque} and he has that great hood with the jaunty curl at the sides~irresistible.  Plus, I was captivated by his cute bobbled belly and the opportunity to learn another crochet stitch. Cluster stitch...I don't know it...must learn it.  That pretty much sealed the deal.  And so Chubby was born {please forgive the fuzzy phone pics}. 
So how are we getting along now that chubs and I have been together for a morning?  Well, I have to say that I'm not over the moon about him.  I'm not quite ready to banish him to back of the tree land, but I'm not in love either.  Although, when the lad exclaimed that he likes this flier best of all the adventists so far and as the day goes on, I find I am warming to this bobbly owl more and more.  I do think that he might be more to my liking in a different colorway~say a solid base with different colors for his face and hood~and maybe in more owlish colors.  The other thing that may be standing in the way of our budding friendship is that this guy took the better part of my day yesterday {that's valuable making territory right about now} and that I was working him on a very tight {think shoulders to ears} gauge.  And okay, and I'm just going to say it.  I love, love the sturdiness of crochet for making this type of wot-not, but knitting, dear, dear knitting, will always be first in my heart.  I'm thinking a little knitted version of this guy, with this oh-so-easy-oh-so-bobbly stitch would be just about perfect. 
That said, I am catching myself giving him appreciative glances as I breeze by and he catches my gaze.  So I'm thinking I might just have to give him another go and crochet another owl and maybe even an owlet or two before all is said and done.  But you probably knew that, didn't you?

bye for now...

The Second Adventist...

Hello...me again...I know!...two days in a row...a holiday miracle for sure!  But it's that time of year when the little whimsies of the holidays come out to play (and beg to be made) so here we go.

On the second day of December my crochet hook brought to me...
 A wee dormouse!... 

 I think the lad approves...
And can I just say that I am abundantly aware that I am truly a lucky mom to have a now teenager {:o} who humors me in this way.  I think that maybe the sweets in the toe of the stocking help a bit.
This was a fun little project.  Quick and satisfying and my first go at amigurumi.  So fun!  The pattern is free and can be found here.  Many thanks to Rachel Hansen for sharing this darling pattern.  And the best part?  In addition to making the acquaintance of  this cute dormouse {who will soon be decorating our tree and will definitely not be a back of the tree dweller},  I learned a new crochet decrease along the way!  I love learning things on my way to a new project.  And the best best part?...wait for it...this decrease is totally invisible!  No really.  Totally invisible!  I really love that.  I will definitely be using this decrease again in other projects. 

Okay, that's it for now.  Cookies to be baked, gifts to be made, patterns to be edited, and a wood stove to be cozied up to.  Have a wonderful day!  I'll be thinking of you and all the loveliness flying off your hooks and needles.


Oh hey December!...

Hello, hello...

Happy December!  Okay, in honor of all of the beautiful turning leaves I've been enjoying all fall I am going to turn a new one (leaf that is) and refrain from my usual "oh my gosh how did we get here..." patter.  Suffice it to say that I/we have been blessed with the most wonderful string of days, that Vermont gets only more beautiful as I watch her ever changing ways, and that this sabbatical, while not being especially good for my commitment to regular posting, has been good for me and my family in every other way.  It's official.  I love being here as much...no...even more than I thought I would.  I am sorry for falling off the face of the blogosphere, but I know you all understand.  I'm not going to go into the whys and wherefores but let's just say this sabbatical was way overdue and was needed all around.  And it's been good.  Very good.  And I've been a bit distracted by it.  I wish so fervently that each of you are graced with a bit of time and a happy-place of your own.  It's a good thing. 

And so without further ado I offer this collage as a way of taking November (okay and October if truth be told) in hand... 

 As you can see, it's been quite a stitchy time with lots of walks and fresh air and fun thrown in for good measure.

Now...back to the calendar...December 1st!!!...Advent Day One!  If you've been around these parts for a while you may remember this...

The stockings are hung by the window with care.  My advent garland is up and ready to go.  This is a free pattern that I offered a couple of years ago.  You can still get it if you want.  The pattern directions are available here.

Last year I knitted little friends {teeny-tiny friends}, one per day to fill the advent stockings (there is a blog post for each day of advent last year if you're interested).

This year I will be combining all kinds of crafty goodness to fill the stockings.  Because we are away from home we have no ornaments to grace our tree~~so the advent goodies this year will be all about creating decorations.  So what's up for Day 1?  Want to see?...

A little birdy buddy.  The pattern is based on this free pattern from Lucy at Attic 24.  If you haven't checked her blog out then you should definitely scoot on over there.  She has the best crochet tutorials and every day is full of color and enthusiasm in her little corner of the world.  I mean it folks.  I did not crochet at all until I went over there and now I have blankets, snowflakes, garlands, pillows, and no end of trim and flowers and frippery under my belt.  She makes it easy and keeps it fun.

The Details on Birdy~

*Made with Cascade 220 on a F hook (a bit tight I know but it covers all the stuffing that way)
*My bird is only five rows deep as opposed to the pattern's seven.
*I omitted the buttons {the button box is languishing at home sadly}
*I worked the legs with a double strand of yarn, knotted the ends and left a bit to dangle for feet
*The eyes were worked using an extended french knot.  I wrapped the yarn 5 times around the      needle instead of 3 and insterted the needle about a 1/4" away from where the needle came up at the beginning of the stitch.  This creates a little oval shaped eye.

Okay,  there you have it.  Easy peasy!  Off to make more of these little guys now.  I think we will have a whole flock nesting in our tree before all is said and done.

Happy weekend~ing!  Hope it finds you cozy and making merry!



...one of my all time favorite Italian words...turning to the sun.  Even though I love and indeed crave and revel in grey days full of cozying, I am a heliotrope to my core.  But sunshine comes in all forms and fall means a lap full of colorful yarn and warmth from the oven baking something yummy.  Every year when the first hints of fall appear I am convinced that it must be my favorite season, but then I start thinking of the snow that is to come and get so excited for winter.  And is there anything more exciting than those first few hints of green after a winter of white...Or anything more lovely than a string of lazy summer days stretching out before you?  I think I just love the change.  Having grown up in southern Texas where the seasons are there but are so subtle, I find each change so exciting.  No matter that I have spent the whole of my adult life in four season locales, I still find it new and thrilling every time.  So here we are in Vermont with the promise of fall in the air and the remnants of summer still hanging on.  I am loving the grey misty mornings that greet us each morning with the clouds hugging the mountains outside my window...loving it!  As the day progresses it's always a mystery...will we get a last gasp of summer or a preview of fall?...best to pack the rain jackets and layer up just in case.  And today?...here is a view of my morning so far.  Out the front door...

 Good morning glory...
Hello sunshine...
 And into the garden...

 ...where the gifts of summer still abound.  Altogether wonderful these days of transitioning.  I'll get back to blogging about knitting and things crafty but for now, a big thank you for indulging me as I transition into our new life here in sabbaticaland.  Wishing you a sunny day!...



Let the sabbatical begin!...

That's right!  We have hit the road and are officially on sabbatical! 
Well actually my husband is on sabbatical—the lad and I are just along for the ride, but it feels like we are all in it together (and indeed we are).  This sabbatical has been delayed several years and it feels so good and yet a little strange now that it's finally here.  I have that butterflies-in-the-stomach kind of anxiousness that always accompanies any new situation—you know that little flutter and thrill of possibility that lives behind your bellybutton, all of that what-will-it-be and where-will-it-take-us rush and excitement along with wee bit of apprehension, eagerness and earnestness.  Because I want to make the most of this time and want it to be good for all of us—productive and fun for all, I do spend a fair amount of time mulling things over, trying to get situated and deciding where and how to begin.  I want to get it right and yet know how ridiculous that is—how so much of what is good about taking a sabbatical is wrapped up in letting go and opening up.  Having done this before and knowing what a grand adventure it can be does help tons with the letting go and waiting and seeing.  The trick is to strike a balance—plan a bit and roll a lot.  Hence my sabbatical formula...
  carpe diem + que sera sera = la dolce vita.
Simple and elegant in spirit (if a bit mixed up linguistically)—my favorite kind of equation.

This time around is a little different though—we are just three now.  I know, how can that be?...but it's true.  My dear middle man has embarked on his own adventure—first year of college!...
I will admit that I've had to give myself a stern talking to now and again (when I get especially mopey over having him gone).  I am so proud and so happy for him though, and knowing that he is in such a good spot and that there are so many wonderful things ahead of him really goes such a long way to easing the pinch of having another bird fly the nest.

And my oldest bird?...my she does fly!  She's off on another international jaunt—this time a semester abroad attending French university and is loving it so far...
It promises to be a year of newness, of getting out of comfort zones, of embracing new routines, experiences and people.  It's altogether a good thing shaking things up now and again.  Here's a glimpse of the shake up here...
So as you can see, nothing too strenuous so far.  After a busy summer of planning and prepping and sending dear ones away from home, we are now getting ourselves settled and are easing into this new school year.  For the next few months we'll be staying in one of my favorite spots—a place that I love and that is full of happy memories and that feels familiar and new at the same time—the perfect beginning before the next jump (ooh there's that flutter again!...so exciting, so good!).

Sending happy, new beginning thoughts your way!...

Beyond the Sea...

 Just a quick post and a little squee for today.  I have just finished posting the last pattern of my new eBook on Ravelry.  Beyond the Sea is a collection 6 of designs inspired by the ocean and the hopes and dreams carried across it.  I have lots to say about this project and will no doubt chat you up about the evolution of each pattern in the coming days, but for now I'm just sharing a link and a few images....
Each pattern in this collection is designed to be worn in a variety of situations from casual to dressy and to transition seamlessly throughout all four seasons.  The patterns are available both for individual sale and as an eBook.  They are all knit with scrumptious Malabrigo Yarns and are part of the Malabrigo Freelance Pattern Project.

Stay tuned for more details and images of the patterns.  For now I leave you with this beachy self-portrait... 
Be well all...

something fishy...

Hello from summerland!

How, how did we get here?...and why is it that so many of my posts lately begin with my utter bewilderment at the rapid passage of time?  I've decided that it must just be the way of things in the middle of the middle of life...So much going on at any given time, my little birds not so little now and flying off in all different directions at once, and me watching in wonder, and most of the time in gratitude, that the curve balls life throws our way are so outweighed by the goodness that surrounds us and that is this life of ours.

Last post, way back in May (I know...I know...don't judge), I shared a little peek at some secret knitting that's been occupying my hands.  I will get to share the full reveal soon, but in the meantime I want to share someone else's knitting.  Way back last July I was introduced (albeit virtually) to a very talented knitter.  Talitha and I were paired up to do a pattern project for Malabrigo~so, SO exciting!  Talitha is a truly inspired designer (you can check out her designs here)and one of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure of working with.  Her new ebook, The Great Deep was released earlier this month and I am anxious to share all of its loveliness with you.  All of the designs were inspired by the sea and the life contained therein.
For starters there's this fun headband...   
And these bright purses...
And then there are the sweaters~four in all!  One...a darling, goes with everything bolero, perfect for throwing over your shoulders on cool evenings...
Two and Three...theses bright and fun pieces...a vest and a beachy pullover...
Note:  June 26~I have just discovered that somehow the rest of this post has gone awol taking all of my links to Talitha, etc.  I was sure it posted originally but maybe not...harrumph!  I can't recall exactly what I said but I know it included this...
I am crazy for the color and stitch pattern of the turquoise sweater—so bright and fun! And last but not least there is one more vest.  Four garments and two accessories in all!...Want to see the last one?...check it!...
This is just the kind of sweater that is perfect for going right from spring and layered-up all the way through fall.  So fun!  See what I mean, this is one amazing designer! 

Back to the lost content of this post...I also probably mentioned that I was heading off to tnna for a few days.  I did and am back home again and it was wonderful.  I'll do the full recap soon but for now it's off to bed.  I just wanted to make sure I got the main ideas of the rest of the post to you as soon as I discovered it had gone missing.  So, so sorry for the confusion.  Let's try this again...


Spring Stitches

Happy first of May!

I can't even begin to think of where April went to but here we are closing in on another school year and just on the edge of summer. Hard to believe! Actually, I guess I do know where April and March went...they were devoted to lots of secret knitting. Want a peek?

There was some of this...

And some of this....


And that...

And a wee bit of this...

There is lots more to do, but things are coming together and I have to say I'm kind of excited~well excited and a little nervous~but am really enjoying watching these projects come together. And spring knitting is the best~one long string of lovely days for taking my knitting basket and getting out. Even if out is just as far as the back porch, it's so nice to stitch while the birds set up housekeeping and the baby squirrels chitter and scamper about...love!

I hope spring is finding you happy and healthy, and that it's bringing you enough pretty days to get out for some outdoor knitting, an explore, or for a proper putter in the garden, and enough cloudy shower-filled days for some good cozying up.

