Oh hey December!...

Hello, hello...

Happy December!  Okay, in honor of all of the beautiful turning leaves I've been enjoying all fall I am going to turn a new one (leaf that is) and refrain from my usual "oh my gosh how did we get here..." patter.  Suffice it to say that I/we have been blessed with the most wonderful string of days, that Vermont gets only more beautiful as I watch her ever changing ways, and that this sabbatical, while not being especially good for my commitment to regular posting, has been good for me and my family in every other way.  It's official.  I love being here as much...no...even more than I thought I would.  I am sorry for falling off the face of the blogosphere, but I know you all understand.  I'm not going to go into the whys and wherefores but let's just say this sabbatical was way overdue and was needed all around.  And it's been good.  Very good.  And I've been a bit distracted by it.  I wish so fervently that each of you are graced with a bit of time and a happy-place of your own.  It's a good thing. 

And so without further ado I offer this collage as a way of taking November (okay and October if truth be told) in hand... 

 As you can see, it's been quite a stitchy time with lots of walks and fresh air and fun thrown in for good measure.

Now...back to the calendar...December 1st!!!...Advent Day One!  If you've been around these parts for a while you may remember this...

The stockings are hung by the window with care.  My advent garland is up and ready to go.  This is a free pattern that I offered a couple of years ago.  You can still get it if you want.  The pattern directions are available here.

Last year I knitted little friends {teeny-tiny friends}, one per day to fill the advent stockings (there is a blog post for each day of advent last year if you're interested).

This year I will be combining all kinds of crafty goodness to fill the stockings.  Because we are away from home we have no ornaments to grace our tree~~so the advent goodies this year will be all about creating decorations.  So what's up for Day 1?  Want to see?...

A little birdy buddy.  The pattern is based on this free pattern from Lucy at Attic 24.  If you haven't checked her blog out then you should definitely scoot on over there.  She has the best crochet tutorials and every day is full of color and enthusiasm in her little corner of the world.  I mean it folks.  I did not crochet at all until I went over there and now I have blankets, snowflakes, garlands, pillows, and no end of trim and flowers and frippery under my belt.  She makes it easy and keeps it fun.

The Details on Birdy~

*Made with Cascade 220 on a F hook (a bit tight I know but it covers all the stuffing that way)
*My bird is only five rows deep as opposed to the pattern's seven.
*I omitted the buttons {the button box is languishing at home sadly}
*I worked the legs with a double strand of yarn, knotted the ends and left a bit to dangle for feet
*The eyes were worked using an extended french knot.  I wrapped the yarn 5 times around the      needle instead of 3 and insterted the needle about a 1/4" away from where the needle came up at the beginning of the stitch.  This creates a little oval shaped eye.

Okay,  there you have it.  Easy peasy!  Off to make more of these little guys now.  I think we will have a whole flock nesting in our tree before all is said and done.

Happy weekend~ing!  Hope it finds you cozy and making merry!


Joy riding...

Advent Day 23...almost in the Nick of time. Santa's sleigh...

Sorry for the tardiness of this post but the lad was out for most of the day and then we were all out with friends until almost midnight :0 So even though this was made in time and delivered before the day was done, I didn't get the post done till now ; (
But that didn't stop an inquisitive gnome from checking out the sleigh right away. Shhhh...don't tell Santa...

Happy Christmas Eve all! See you later today!...
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And then they were three...

Advent Day 23! Another special request for today's post....which just goes to show, if you give a boy an Advent wolf he's going to want a mom and pup to go with it...

A very small pack!
More eensy weensy Advent knits tomorrow!...only two more days left~how can that be? Until then be well...
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Advent Day 20!

Oh my dears, you have no idea the grumbling that a lonely gnome is capable of. All I've heard for the past couple of days is how everyone else has a friend at the party and how horribly unfair it is. And then it occurred to me that he's right. Cue operation Pal...

Gnomio is much happier now.
As you can see everyone is all smiles now!

Hoping today finds you surrounded by smiles : )
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A helping hoof...

Advent Day 19!...
Truth be told, I've been fretting about how Rudolph was going to manage pulling the sleigh all on his own when the big night rolls around.  So you can imagine my relief when Prancer decided to fly in this morning...
They've been conferring like this all morning.  Needless to say, I am feeling loads better.
Happy Monday friends!

ps—This little guy is right out of Anna's book, Teeny Tiny Mochimochi.  If you haven't checked it out, you should!  It's the best, and has been the inspiration for all of the little advent pals I've made so far.


Advent Day 17!  Just a quick little post on these otters buds today...

Sadly, they are looking a little blobby but they don't seem too bothered by it (except they are kind of making funny faces). Still, here they are swimming around, holding hands and being ottery. Having fun, being cuddly, and that joie de vivre~how I do love otters!
Must run for now. I'm off for a full day at the shop. I'm predicting a busy day of last minute gift-knit shoppers and high sales of chunky yarn. Should be festive and fun!
Happy Saturday to you!
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